One Hand Cant Clap’ is an execution strategy for inspiring excellence, breakthrough in performance and driving extraordinary results. The name is a Jamaican proverbs that translates: It takes a village to raise a child - ''Collective Work and Responsibility''. Teamwork, community and support is at the heart of what we do. If you are up to playing the big game of transforming the world and the future, you have to stand for something and inspire others to join you, because you can’t do it by yourself.
Lorlett Hudson - Founder and Managing Director
Be Excited About Life and Living!What I know for sure is that people who have clarity about their purpose are lit up by their lives; this is what inspires me. The future belongs to those who are transforming the world with their passion, talent and creativity.
From a very early age I knew and experienced highly talented people within my community. Talented people with a strong entrepreneurial spirit and frame of mind. I am motivated to keep this spirit alive - I am that possibility - and I will remind those of us who fear losing it from our community that it remains. This is what drives me now; a passion to help empower people to be excited about their lives, their passions, their heritage, their culture & history. |
Fitzroy Andrew - Co-Founder
We can all be the best version of ourselves!Though we will all go about achieving that in different ways! My journey has been fuelled for a passion for learning, a love of words and music, and no small measure of persistence and determination, with triumphs and struggles along the way.
I recognised my capacity for leadership at an early age, and was fortunate to grow up around like-minded peers. We went quietly about our business - educating ourselves, building careers, sustaining families. For me, it is less about giving back to community, it is recognising that community is in us wherever we have been. At this stage in life, I am privileged to serve as a coach to others - some advanced in years, others less so. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before; this is my time. |