One Hand Cant Clap Services
Transformational CoachingChange happens in different areas of our lives. Sometimes we need more than managing change - the challenge is about transforming our lives.
Talk to us today about our unique approach to transformational coaching and how we might support you with your life's transitions. Find out more here |
"What Next?" Challenge ForumThe 'What Next?' Challenge Forum is a quarterly, half-day event where you can meet like-minded people and gain insights and support to move towards your goals with clarity, courage and confidence.
Find out more here |
Things Mama Used to Say CardsBeautifully illustrated 52 card set of proverbs and cultural sayings.
These cards have been inspired by Jamaica’s flamboyant, humorous and colourful heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation. They provide food for thought, lessons for living and keen observations of how to successfully navigate your life journey. Find out more here |