How often do you look back and acknowledge yourself for all that you have accomplished? Taking the time to acknowledge yourself for your accomplishments is one skill you must master if you want to be an effective leader both professionally and personally. Seriously, think about it! This has been my experience: very few of us look back and think about all that we have achieved in the big picture! For example, over the last five or ten years I know how important it is to regularly acknowledge these achievements. We spend more time focusing on what is wrong but never enough time on what we have accomplished. So, my friend, if it’s been a long time since you last acknowledged yourself then I would encourage you to take the time right now to acknowledge and appreciate yourself for everything you've accomplished over the years.
Self-acknowledgement and appreciation are what gives us the insight into where we are at and the awareness to move forward towards higher performance and accomplishments. In working with top leaders, I will tell you that among their secrets of success is a regular practice of acknowledging and appreciating what they have accomplished. Self-acknowledgement can offer insights into the future because it not only tells you where you are but it also helps clarify where you want to go in life. Wherever that might be. The journey then becomes easier to navigate - easier to see from the distance and walk confidently step by step. There is often not much recognition for the work that you do daily and all of the unpaid work that you have to do as a leader. It can be challenging each day to get up and motivate yourself to keep going even when you don't feel like it. It takes courage to take yourself on, so you might as well acknowledge yourself for making things happen against the odds. Of equal importance is to also acknowledge everyone around you who supports you. As we approach the upcoming months I recommend you create time to check back on your done deals or update your goal list and be proud of yourself for all that you have achieved thus far towards your dreams and aspirations. To give you some insights here are some simple ways to acknowledge yourself:
As a coach, self-acknowledgment is one of the most powerful tools in my toolbox. It helps me in my own self-development. I love this quote from a Course in Miracles: “What you perceive in others, you are strengthening in yourself.” And I would add, what you strengthen in yourself is what you will perceive in others. So, go ahead and acknowledge yourself. It may feel awkward at first. But this is what I know for sure: if you practice acknowledgment you will be unstoppable and the results that you have will be immeasurable. How great is that? |
May 2022
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